Sunday, August 26, 2012

Well the time we have all been waiting for is finally upon us, Evan's Doha Departure! After many goodbyes, well wishes, and sendoffs all over the U.S., I will finally be leaving for Doha this Saturday night at 11:40pm from New York's JFK Airport. My departure this week will mark the end of an absolutely incredible summer. One that has been absolutely life changing. Thank you to all of you that have made the summer of 2012 so meaningful in so many ways. My Farewell Tour of America, which has lasted over two months at this point, has been more than I ever could have imagined.

I have created this blog in order to be able to keep all of you updated on what I have going on over in Doha. I will do my best to update regularly sharing stories of experiences, adjustments, and everything under the sun (the 115 degree sun...). I cannot wait to be able to share my life in Doha with each of you and hope to get continuous updates from all of you as well.

I will post once I arrive in Doha and begin to get settled. Thanks again to all for a great summer and you will hear from me soon!


  1. Now Evan my man, have you thought this through carefully? I just finished doing some research on ol' Doha, and I have to tell you...not one mention of good chinese restaurants, zippo on pizza and forget about decent bagels!! Its still not too late buddy...and you might as well leave your basketball home..ain't gonna see too many courts there either I'm afraid...

    Good luck with it all. Sounds like a great adventure about to start...represent us well.

    Best Regards and Take good care,
    Bill and Cathy Gerry
    (Mom's, Uncle Paul and Aunt Michele's friends)

    And Evan, exactly what are you doing over there in the 100* heat?
    Tell us about your purpose there, etc.

    1. Hey Bill and Cathy! Thanks for checking in. I will be working over there at Education City ( It is a grouping of branch campuses, mostly American, that all share the same land. I will be working at the Student Center working with a variety of Campus Life programs (student organizations, leadership programs, athletics, etc). I am really looking forward to the opportunity and actually just finished up some initial packing!

  2. Well the day is here!! September 1, 2012. Evan leaves for Doha at 11:00 PM. We are so proud of him and wish him the best in the next phase of his career at Harnard Bin Khalifs University in Qatar. We hope that friends and family will keep in touch with him via this blog. Remember there will always be a home in the USA for you to come back to!! We love you. Mom & Dad

  3. So glad to see your doing well and your update and photos. So how far is your commute? What do you do on weekends? Looking forward to SKYPE sessions. Mom and Dad

    1. Commute is only about 5 minutes. So not bad at all. There are plenty of adventures to get into each weekend. This past weekend we spent one night in the apartments and then one night at the W hotel restaurant and bar. I also did some shopping to get new sheets and such. Very productive weekend!
