Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Triumphant Return to America!!!

My first trip back to America was two things. Eventful and Affirming.

The eventful piece is easy to understand. From the moment I landed in America until the moment I left it was non-stop action. And I would not have had it any other way. I spent 6 days in Orlando, FL attending a massive student affairs conference. I was able to connect with friends from Grad School, old colleagues, and make some great connections along the way. Although I didn’t learn as much as I usually would, mostly because my work in Doha is so much different than work stateside, it gave me a lot to think about and kept me current in the field.

Then it was off to DC where I spent 6 days doing everything in my human power to catch up with friends. I celebrated a birthday, had a Witt reunion, laughed with friends, got caught up in March Madness, danced in Patty Boom Booms, walked through Georgetown, went to a beer festival, and even had a snow day. There was no good way to spend quality time with all of the people I wanted to and it was overwhelming to see people coming from all over to spend time with me. I could not have asked for a better visit and it felt so good to pick up right where I left off.

Finally we hit New York to spend time with my parents and family. This was the “slower” part of my trip where I was able to rest a bit, do some shopping, and enjoy some quality time. Being so far away from family has been difficult as you miss so many events. Luckily I was able to see my grandmother, aunts, uncles, and lots of time with my parents. It felt great to have their support and share stories of travels abroad.

The affirming piece is something I didn’t expect. Being away from six month isn’t that long but it is long enough. And I was not sure how I would feel going back to the US. As I spent time with friends, family, and just experiencing America I realized just how thankful I am to have the opportunity to live in Doha. The trip as a whole was incredibly energizing and served as a great reality check from my life in Doha. As difficult as it is to be away from people that I love, it was reassuring to know that they are still there for me no matter what. We are able to catch up as if no time has passed. They are completely supportive of everything I am doing. And couldn’t be happier for me. As my time in the US drew to a close I thought I would want to stay, but I had the opposite reaction and looked forward to returning to my new home…Doha. There is no place quite like the US and I look forward to going back one day. For now I could not feel more privileged to have the opportunity to live in an exciting environment, with great people, in a job I love, and explore the world. Looking forward to my next trip stateside for Brandon’s graduation…until then…keep it real America!

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