Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Witt Clan Invades Doha!!!

Well it only took 18 months to get them here, but 2014 brought a new year and the Witt Clan! Mom, Dad, and Brandon all arrived January 11th for a week long visit to the Gulf. Now I understand this post is LONG overdue but that is because I have frantically been catching up and traveling since they left as well. So now that I finally have the chance to sit down, let me tell you a few highlights from the trip.

So the fam arrived around 10:0pm on the 11th and I was SO impressed with them. After 18 hours of travel they were in good spirits, dealing well with jet lag, and our first order of business was a Christmas celebration! We exchanged gifts under the tree I had left up for them and enjoyed the start to our first time traveling as a family in years! We had a busy week ahead of us and our first day was spent in Doha touring around Education City.

January 13th was a special day, not only was it the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) birthday it was also the birth of Don Witt! What better way to celebrate than at the top of the world's tallest building the Burj Khalifa. I was really glad we got to see both Dubai and Doha on the trip because it gives a good comparison. Dubai is a polished, posh, well oiled machine compared to the younger more developing Doha. Both have their benefits but it serves as a good look into what Doha's future might be. In addition the Burj we visited the Center for Cultural Understanding. Brennan and I had visited last year when he came to Doha and it was a good chance for the family to learn about Gulf culture and traditions. We had a VERY animated host and ate a traditional khaliji meal in majilis style seating. I think it dispelled a lot of myths and we learned quite a bit!

Once we got past the Dubai part of the trip it was back to Doha. Our next stop was Doha's majestic desert. We did an overnight camping trip which including dune bashing on the way out to the campsite. I have not heard my mother scream like that in a LONG time as she was convinced our driver was trying to kill us! As we were speeding up, down, and around these dunes he was playing classical music to calm our nerves. On the trip we had a family camel ride, a private beach resort, FREEZING weather (by Doha standards), and quite a few laughs along the way.

Our last weekend in Doha held two very different experiences. First, we had ANOTHER birthday on the trip. The birth of the one and only Brennan Biddle. He flew back to Dubai to celebrate and we went out with a group of friends to a nightclub called Qube. Now Qube is a place of the people. Doesn't matter if you are rich, poor, big, or small. The Qube is the place for you. Mom and Dad made it out with us and stayed out until about 2am!!! When did they get so cool?!? This night was juxtaposed with the following night where we were hosted by one of my Qatari colleagues and friends, Ameena. Ameena and her husband had my whole family over for dinner. We shared traditional food, stories, and histories from home. It was a really wonderful night and from there we headed to the airport.

It was amazing how fast the trip went by. We went non-stop the whole time and I hope it wasn't too much to handle. If you were to ask the family what they thought, I think they would tell you they had an even better experience than expected. They saw the quality of the people, of the city, and of life that I am so privileged to enjoy here in Doha. It isn't easy being so far from home, but Doha makes it worth it. I feel so lucky to have had the whole family visit and I hope we get to do another trip in the near future!!

As for me, I am moving to ANOTHER new apartment this weekend. I will be moving to the downtown area with two friends in a high rise apartment. I welcome the change and am not excited for packing but can't wait to move in!!! We are also counting down the days until Chris Rielly and Sarah Marr come to town!!! Still can't believe how many visitors I have had since moving here. Some of you better catch up. I promise to try to write more, but until next time!!!

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