Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What is EBDA?

As summer enters into full swing here in Qatar, it is a great time to reflect on the past year. This year I had the opportunity to launch a new leadership development program here for Hamad bin Khalifa University under the sponsorship of Maersk Oil Qatar. It has been an incredible opportunity that has provided me experience working with Corporate Social Responsibility, challenged me to think of innovative ways to educate students, and has taken me to many places along the way.

EBDA is the name of the leadership program we launched and the website can be found at We also spent a lot of time this year on promotional videos for many of the programs we run. In total we developed films for the Desert Challenge, We are Leaders @ Kilimanjaro, and Outward Bound Oman. Each film captures the essence of the experiences of our students. I am including our main EBDA film here to see some of the work we got to do this year. It is a program I am incredibly proud of and look forward to the next year of EBDA!

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