Thursday, July 24, 2014

Need Tickets?! World Cup 2014

The World Cup only happens every four years. It is a time where the whole world puts everything on hold to celebrate the great sport of football (yes I will refer to it as football…) on the global stage. Attending a World Cup has been a dream of mine for years now, and what better place to see one than in the football-crazed nation of Brazil?! When looking at summer travel for this year the dates lined up perfectly for a full on South America adventure. The first stop was Rio de Janeiro.

On the trip I ended up in Rio twice. The first stop was quite short but I was able to meet up with a buddy from JMU, Shawn McEvoy, and his friend Lara who lived in Brazil and was a great host. We were able to tour around some of the main sites while we were together. We were also able to catch a US match and Brazil match at the “Fan Fest” which was basically a giant TV on Copacabana Beach with 25,000 screaming fans. It was the next best thing to being at the match. We also got up to Sugar Loaf Mountain for some incredible views of the city. Time was short because my friend Kevin and some of his buddies were waiting for me up in Recife for us to see the US play their final group match against German.

This is where the story gets sad for a moment. June 26 is a day that will live in infamy. US v. Germany. The match we were all waiting for. It would determine if the US would advance. Germany was looking like a serious contender. And we had tickets in hand (well two out of the four). The
match was at 1pm but we were an hour south of the stadium. So we were on the road by 8am to get to the US tailgate early to score two tickets and start the party. Only problem? Rain. Lots of. Well rain and lack of drainage systems. The road to the stadium was flooded. We are talking waist high water not once, not twice, but 6 separate areas. We had a Chevy Cobalt rental which miraculously was able to drive through these rivers time and time again. The issue was traffic. After over 4 hours in traffic we had no shot of making it to the game. With tickets in hand we made the executive decision to bail out and watch at a local bar. Such a frustrating day from start to finish but I guess it wasn’t meant to be. In the end I didn’t get to actually see any of the World Cup matches which I am actually ok with. More on that later.

After Recife, Kevin’s friends Rob and Eric went back to the States. Kevin went to Vittoria to see family, where I would meet him a few days later. I spent the next three days in a town called Olinda right next to Vittoria. It was my redemption for June 26. Olinda is an old colorful cobblestone

colonial town. It was incredible to walk the streets and get lost with different churches, historic sites, art galleries, and street vendors. I had an incredible time there and had the opposite experience from Fan Fest as I watched matches on plastic chairs at local corner bars. Equally as fun as the 25,000 mob at CopaCabana.

In Vittoria Kevin has quite the family contingent. We stayed with his Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin in their beautiful home and were more than taken care of. Three elaborate meals a day. Being carted around to different family members. And able to relax from the hectic travels we had up to that point. Communication was a bit challenging as our Portuguese was severely limited and his Aunt and Uncle had limited English. Luckily Kevin’s cousin translated for us most of the time and we were able to joke, tell stories, and have a great time.

The last Brazil stop was back in Rio with Kevin this time. The highlight was absolutely the 4th of July. Not only was it Denise Witt’s Birthday (and America too I guess…) but it was the quarter finals and there was a match in Rio. Kevin and I arrived early at the stadiums wearing USA jerseys, flags, and top hats. All with the accessory sign that said simply “Need Tickets”. To say the least it was a seller’s market. Tickets were going for about $1,000 USD for one. We spent all morning trying to get
tickets and were able to get one for $250!!! In the process we had dozens of people come to take pictures with the silly Americans celebrating our countries independence day. One ticket wasn’t good enough because it was two or nothing. So as the start time approached we decided to flip our ticket and call it a day. We ended up selling it for $500 and basically getting paid for our morning! Not a bad day at all but this was my last official chance to see a World Cup game. I am hoping to get to another World Cup in the future and next time? I will have tickets in hand for sure.

Kevin flew out from Brazil the following morning back to Doha but my adventure would continue. Next it was off to Peru for Maccu Picchu and the Amazon Rainforest. But I will leave those stories for the next posting.

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