Wednesday, September 16, 2015

My First Experience Cleansing

My First Experience Cleansing

Between December 2014 and August 2015 there was hardly a month that I did not travel in. Needless to say I was on the move a lot, not exercising much, and not watching what I was eating. When I arrived back in Doha after a summer holiday I was feeling pretty rough. I knew I had about 4-6 weeks in Doha before my next trip so I decided I would attempt a one month cleanse to shed some pounds and get back on track.

My brother Brandon is actually the one who connected me with the program and I brought supplies back to Doha from my trip in the states. It was a 30 day program which basically has you drink two meal replacement shakes a day, cut out a lot of the bad stuff, and has you complete a set of two 2-Day detoxifying cleanses. On the whole the program gave me some great results and I lost about 20 pounds over the 30 days. While there were definitely aspects of the program I am skeptical of and things that I think could be improved, I can’t argue with the results. So if you are looking to get into a little health kick feel free to contact my brother or to get some advice from me on some potential products to support it. 

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