Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Kristal Moves to Doha

This blog has basically served as a highlight reel from my time here in Doha. And while there have been quite a few to date, nothing can compare to Kristal’s arrival here in Doha. After 15 months of dating long distance we were more than ready for the whole thing to be over. It was a long and painful process getting her to Doha and our patience was definitely tested multiple times but in the end it has all been worth it.

Kristal was lucky enough to get a job working at Northwestern University in Qatar as their International Student Experience Coordinator. The job has a lot of elements to it including working with International Student visas, resident permits, and involvements. She will also oversee their Service Learning Area and then the classic “duties as assigned”. This year she will be taking NUQ students on several international trips that span from the US, to Oman, to the UAE, and locations to be named!

With Kristal arriving in Doha quite a lot has changed. We have had so much for just being  “normal” and running errands, or grabbing dinner after work, or catching up with friends. It has really put a whole new lease on life here in Doha and approaching our second week we don’t hate each other yet!
Kristal is living in a gorgeous two bedroom flat about 20 minutes from where she is working. That means there is a spare bedroom for visitors!!! So consider it an open invitation to come out and visit us!!!

More updates from us in the upcoming months but for now we’re enjoying settling in and giving Kristal the tour of Doha!!!


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